Anglo-Saxon Literature
Virtue and Heroism
This course is a 13-week foray into the
earliest works written in English. Primarily we will trace
the nature and actions of four classes of people prominent in
Angl-Saxon literature: kings and thanes, warriors, saints,
and finally God himself. In doing so, we observe the
qualities lauded in that society, comparing and contrasting
it with our own.
The class begins in early September and runs until early
December, with a final paper due the following week. I will
give access to the new week's assignment on Sunday evening.
The substance of each assignment involving a reading
selection, my analysis, questions for submission and a
further point to consider, encouraging one to think deeper
about the text. Of the questions for submission, I will ask
between 1 and 3 and expect about a paragraph-long response on
each, due on Friday. Over the weekend I reply with further
individualized comments on what the student turned in.
There is a 2500 word paper due at the end of the course
instead of a final exam. For many, this is the longest paper
they have ever worked on: about 7-10 pages. It is presented
in a manageable way, though. The weekly discussion questions
help the student develop the theme of the paper, so they are
crafting the meat of the long assignment week by week. For
further help near the end of the course, I send out
suggestions and tips on creating a thesis statement and
ordering an outline, creating an introduction and conclusion,
and making transitions between points.
Key topics
- Hrothgar, King of the Danes
- Deor and the Wanderer: Hope in a Passing World
- The Battle of Maldon: Glory in Defeat
- Beowulf: Syntax and Metrics
- Beowulf II: Analysis of Some Themes
- Judith: Saintly Princess with a Sword
- Rogation Day: Prayer and Fasting in Merry Old England
- Oswald and Alban: The Heroism of the Saints
- Wulfstan's Sermo Lupi ad Anglos: Fire and Brimstone
- Cynewulf's Elene: A Christian Queen
- Norse Myths: Glimpses of the Truth
- Dream of the Rood: Ecce Homo, Ecce Rex
- Genesis, Caedmon and the Our Father: Searching the Scriptures