
smiling boy

Saints Alive—offered 2017-2018

Make the jump from ho-hum to high-school quality writing with this one year course. For three weeks out of each month, we'll read a brief, lively biography of a saint and turn that into a dynamic three paragraph retelling, working through a rough draft, feedback and a polish. Vibrant description and specific detail are the goals of these assignments. Tailored responses and bucket-loads of encouragment build confidence and capability for junior-high students.

Cost: $250/ year

helmet and sword

Virtue and Heroism: Old English Literature

Monks, martyrs and man-eating monsters! This is a one-semester course on the earliest English literature in existence, and the wellspring which fed J.R.R. Tolkien's and C.S. Lewis's imaginations. Challenging readings, weekly analysis questions and a long (7-10 page) final paper make this class a good preparation for rigorous college work.

Cost: $125/ semester

smiling boy

Chesterton: Prince of Paradox

G.K. Chesterton is the 1000-pound gorilla of modern Catholic thinkers. This course introduces high school students to his classic, quotable thought. Through analysis and reflection, students internalize what they read, connecting it to their larger body of study and the treasures of the faith you've already exposed them to.

Cost: $250/ year

smiling boy

Lord of the Ring-givers: Tolkien's Catholic and English Mythology

A year-long course for high schoolers on Tolkien's Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. These are examined in light of Tolkien's desire to create a profoundly English and Catholic myth. The writing portion centers around creating thoughtful and substantial responses to analysis questions, capped with a 5 page paper.

Cost: $250/ year

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